Brooks first hunting trip
It was Brook’s first hunting trip and he was the good luck charm.
It was Brook’s first hunting trip and he was the good luck charm.
Tim waited all year for the big boy, he never gave up. He should be around next year.
I’ve been hunting this particular property for 8 years now and have taken some nice deer but none as smart and slick as this olé boy. Hours and hours of preparation studying trail cam footage […]
My son Joel caught this 3 pound bass on a worm in a pond near our house
My son and I caught 9 bass fishing Sunday afternoon. On a chatter bait and a white spinner bait
I lived in Maryland all of my 63 year life. In August we moved to the North Shore. I haven’t fished since 1996, back then l was an avid fly fisherman for trout. Since I’m […]
Hey I thought I would enter the contest because my daughter and I love bass fishing during last summer. I took my 12 year old daughter bass fishing for the 1st time and we tried […]
Opening day of archery season and my son got his first buck. Just a 6 point but made him a hunter for life
It was the last morning of duck season and I wanted to get out for one last hoorah, unfortunately I did not see anything to shoot at other than the night sky before heading out […]
My son Hunter with his first boar hog.
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