The Reason I Bought a Boat
I am a single mom of an amazing 9 year old boy and aspiring outdoorsmen. Although he is involved in several sports, he is a Louisiana Sportsman at heart. He loves to fish! So much […]
I am a single mom of an amazing 9 year old boy and aspiring outdoorsmen. Although he is involved in several sports, he is a Louisiana Sportsman at heart. He loves to fish! So much […]
My name is Ethan, I am 9 years old, and I love to fish! My mom lets me keep some fishing poles and gear in the car at all times in case I want to […]
We live In Delcambre Louisiana, and her Pawpaw took her, her brother and two cousins to the Bayou Carlin boat launch to fish from the docks. He put a piece of shrimp on her hook […]
Fishing at Delcambre’s Bayou Carlin boat lauch. Her brother and two cousins were fishing with shrimp and she hooked the 43 inch red and about 28 lbs. She was so excited; I got a big […]
just a pic of a big rabbit I shot working my dogs
Two of our puppies learning about rabbits.
My daughter and I went fishing in early fall and we was just using some live bait and I decided to throw an old crawfish bait when I hooked up on this bass.
Louisiana marsh duck hunting at the break of dawn!
This redfish with multiple spots along with bass on the same canal was caught by Frank Williams in Lafitte in October using a white chatterbait with a Z-man trailer.
This photo was taken on the first weekend of the 2023 duck season. My fiancé trained our newest member to our retriever team and he is doing great! We love to share his story from […]
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